
Worm's Eye View

This produced some fascinating contributions.


For my part I decided to try and construct an actual 'Worm's Eye View'.


My concept was that the pics would work in sequence to tell a story of a worm emerging from the ground!

First I photographed a close-up of the inside of a kitchen roll tube to represent the worm's hole that it's emerging from.

By combinimg this with another of some long grass and a library pic of a blue sky, I was able to represent what the worm would see emerging from the ground.


Next the really difficult bit - I wanted a shot of a bird looking down, so as to be looking threateningly at the worm!

To do this I placed my camera on a tripod below one of our garden bird feeders that was a blackbird's favourite. By using remote control from an iPad and burst shooting, I managed to get one good shot from 74 attempts!

I then replaced the feeder with more long grass to effect the blackbird's imminent threat.


Not finished there, - but the worm was shortly to be - the final pic was the underside of a walking boot, signally the very last 'Worm's Eye View'.


I hope you like them . . .


The Wells Lifeboat Horse

News Latest

October - 2020

This month sees  a third 'Blurb' book published! This one covers various DPG topics and my contributions to them. Printed on premium grade paper in hardback, it has a high quality feel and is a great coffeee table read.

Full details are here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/10334723-playgroup-a-journey-through-digital-photography


DPG - 2021

As we begin 2021, meetings are not possible and it is uncertain when they will re-start. So we have devised a programme for the first 6 months, based on members contributing to the Viewing Platform on the chosen subjects.

Full details are here: www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


There are links also to the basic photography course by Chris Bray that we ran last year and other useful contacts and links.


PORTFOLIO develops different themes and ideas - your feedback will be most welcome.

Stories of a devasting fire in Devon, the Wells 'Lifeboat Horse' and a visit to London's 'Winter Wonderland' are the first three. Watch out for more to come . . .


Watch this space for further news . . .


U3A DPG - 2021

Just before the first dreaded Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, we did manage to squeeze in a visit to Fakenham Races. It was Friday the 13th so most of us refrained from gambling, preferring to concentrate on the photo opportunities. Here's mine: Fakenham Races


Since then, we've been restricted to 'virtual' meetings and to this end you can find all that we're getting up to on on our Viewing Platform, www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


I hope you enjoy the experience.


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© tim folkes