
Odd Angles

I took a fairly wide interpretation of this subject.


My first pic was from a musuem in Shanghai, China showing the angles created by the intricate staircases used to access the upper floors,


Next the building in Fenchurch Street, London known as the 'Walkie Talkie' building because of its distinctive profile.


The slightly grotesque shot of a spider, or what was left of the spider, illustrates how an 'Odd Angle' can enhance any photograph. If you have the stomach for it, this is actually the skeletal remains of the spider after other insects have eaten its fleshy parts!


In complete contrast, a wooden 'hut' made from completely recycled materials, mostly recovered from sites and the sea around Overstrand in North Norfolk. This construction doesn't have one single angle that is square or true, so an ideal example of 'Odd Angles'.


The following 2 shots are from the Sainsbury Centre of Arts at the University of East Anglia in Norwich. One of a corridor arcing away from view and the second, an all-encompassing view of the ceiling detail, which I felt drew me in to the vista.


Finally, one of my favourite shots - back to that museum in Shanghai and an opportune moment. These guys had assembled, waiting for an organised tour to start. I instinctively thought the composition of the people and their positions around the staircase warranted taking the photo, not realising until I got home how almost each one of them was looking at a different or 'Odd' angle. Particularly look out for the pink 'Crocs' type shoes of the girl sitting on the second step staring straight at me. Enlarge the pic to see the detail . . .



The Wells Lifeboat Horse

News Latest

October - 2020

This month sees  a third 'Blurb' book published! This one covers various DPG topics and my contributions to them. Printed on premium grade paper in hardback, it has a high quality feel and is a great coffeee table read.

Full details are here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/10334723-playgroup-a-journey-through-digital-photography


DPG - 2021

As we begin 2021, meetings are not possible and it is uncertain when they will re-start. So we have devised a programme for the first 6 months, based on members contributing to the Viewing Platform on the chosen subjects.

Full details are here: www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


There are links also to the basic photography course by Chris Bray that we ran last year and other useful contacts and links.


PORTFOLIO develops different themes and ideas - your feedback will be most welcome.

Stories of a devasting fire in Devon, the Wells 'Lifeboat Horse' and a visit to London's 'Winter Wonderland' are the first three. Watch out for more to come . . .


Watch this space for further news . . .


U3A DPG - 2021

Just before the first dreaded Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, we did manage to squeeze in a visit to Fakenham Races. It was Friday the 13th so most of us refrained from gambling, preferring to concentrate on the photo opportunities. Here's mine: Fakenham Races


Since then, we've been restricted to 'virtual' meetings and to this end you can find all that we're getting up to on on our Viewing Platform, www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


I hope you enjoy the experience.


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© tim folkes