. . . ffolkesphoto.com is a personal record of my digital photographic journey so far . . .
I hope you find something here that will interest and inspire you.
The sections highlighted above are:
U3A DPG - an introduction to the Digital Photography Group of the North Norfolk U3A.
DPG TOPICS - These are my contributions to some of the DPG topics.
A new one is added each month - check out the details in the 'News' section on the right.
PORTFOLIO - These are some of my other favourite pics and subjects.
PUBLICATIONS - Competitions, Periodicals and Books.
CONTACTS - Includes NNU3A, DPG, Affinity Photo and a Contact Form.
I welcome feedback and please feel free to ask any questions here: Contact Form
Please note all the pics on this site are subject to copyright but can be downloaded for individual use subject to our T's & C's - see here for details: Legals
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North Norfolk is a natural home for photographers, artists and bird watchers.
The wonderful land and seascapes, wildlife, big skies and the gentle lighting of North Norfolk continue to fascinate photographers and artist of all generations.
North Norfolk is a well kept secret. Away from the traditional seaside and market towns, small hamlets and villages nestle in the gently undulating hills often with unusually large churches at their heart.
The beaches vary from steep shale - ideal for beach fishing as at Weybourne, to the vast desert-like expanses of Holkham and Titchwell. You will not believe how few people frequent these, even at week-ends in high summer!
Inland, old woodland mixes with rich but varied farmland creating new vistas at every turn.
Village pubs and specialist restaurants provide a plethora of dining opportunities.
Norfolk folk make time to talk to you and are known for their wry and kindly sense of humour.
They are extraordinarily welcoming - holiday makers are known as 'grockles' and a significant percentage of the population is made up of 'in-comers'. There is good reason for this - it's a relaxed and beautiful place to live.
I hope some of my photographs reflect this.
Tim Folkes
October - 2020
This month sees a third 'Blurb' book published! This one covers various DPG topics and my contributions to them. Printed on premium grade paper in hardback, it has a high quality feel and is a great coffeee table read.
Full details are here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/10334723-playgroup-a-journey-through-digital-photography
DPG - 2021
As we begin 2021, meetings are not possible and it is uncertain when they will re-start. So we have devised a programme for the first 6 months, based on members contributing to the Viewing Platform on the chosen subjects.
Full details are here: www.dpg-vp.weebly.com
There are links also to the basic photography course by Chris Bray that we ran last year and other useful contacts and links.
PORTFOLIO develops different themes and ideas - your feedback will be most welcome.
Stories of a devasting fire in Devon, the Wells 'Lifeboat Horse' and a visit to London's 'Winter Wonderland' are the first three. Watch out for more to come . . .
Watch this space for further news . . .
Just before the first dreaded Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, we did manage to squeeze in a visit to Fakenham Races. It was Friday the 13th so most of us refrained from gambling, preferring to concentrate on the photo opportunities. Here's mine: Fakenham Races
Since then, we've been restricted to 'virtual' meetings and to this end you can find all that we're getting up to on on our Viewing Platform, www.dpg-vp.weebly.com
I hope you enjoy the experience.