
U3A - Digital Photography


'The University of the Third Age' - the u3a, is described as 'a university in the older, original sense of people coming together for the pleasure of learning and sharing knowledge. There are no examinations and the only qualification for joining is a desire to learn and/or teach with others who have similar interests'.


I can't disagree with that.


Having taken up digital photography a few years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to learn something about it.


I found the Digital Photography Group of the U3A here in North Norfolk a superb self-help contact group offering advice, tutoring, critiques, inspiration and good plain practical advice.


My own journey of knowledge and discovery continues and the group consistently re-inforce my interest and motivate me to try something different, something new.


Setting a new topic each month, we are all encouraged to create up to five pics on the chosen topic and submit them for public showing and critique - mostly constructive! NB - There is NO competition and NO judging takes place.

This has a wonderful effect of improving both techniques and results.


Each member selects one of their own pics that they've shown that month and these are all displayed on the High Kelling Village Hall web site. Check out our latest selections here: www.highkellingvillagehall.weebly.com/u3a-digital-photography.html


The second half of our meetings is the learning bit! Here we may have a demo of software or camera techiques or other subjects and plenty of time is included for Q&A's on that or any other subject members may like to raise.

We're encouraged to ask the silly questions - then we all learn!


The group normally meets in High Kelling Village Hall in Avenue Road, near Holt on the third Friday of each month at 2:00 for2:15pm and finishes by 4:45pm. New members, from beginners to professionals are always made most welcome.


But following the Coronovirus lockdown in March, we've created a 'Viewing Platform' to take the place of the first part of our meetings which can be found here: www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


We've created a new programme for the first 6 months of 2021 to reflect the changed circumstances and this can be downloaded here:


DPG Program of Events - 2021
2021 programme - v1.1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [51.2 KB]


If you'd like to join us, you'll be made very welcome - please click here to e-mail our group contact, Joyce Gilbert for an information sheet.


Tim Folkes

The Wells Lifeboat Horse

News Latest

October - 2020

This month sees  a third 'Blurb' book published! This one covers various DPG topics and my contributions to them. Printed on premium grade paper in hardback, it has a high quality feel and is a great coffeee table read.

Full details are here: https://www.blurb.co.uk/b/10334723-playgroup-a-journey-through-digital-photography


DPG - 2021

As we begin 2021, meetings are not possible and it is uncertain when they will re-start. So we have devised a programme for the first 6 months, based on members contributing to the Viewing Platform on the chosen subjects.

Full details are here: www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


There are links also to the basic photography course by Chris Bray that we ran last year and other useful contacts and links.


PORTFOLIO develops different themes and ideas - your feedback will be most welcome.

Stories of a devasting fire in Devon, the Wells 'Lifeboat Horse' and a visit to London's 'Winter Wonderland' are the first three. Watch out for more to come . . .


Watch this space for further news . . .


U3A DPG - 2021

Just before the first dreaded Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020, we did manage to squeeze in a visit to Fakenham Races. It was Friday the 13th so most of us refrained from gambling, preferring to concentrate on the photo opportunities. Here's mine: Fakenham Races


Since then, we've been restricted to 'virtual' meetings and to this end you can find all that we're getting up to on on our Viewing Platform, www.dpg-vp.weebly.com


I hope you enjoy the experience.


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© tim folkes